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Executive Assistants

Executive Assistants

Executive Assistant-bloggen bjuder på aktuell information, intervjuer och spaningar om det livslånga lärandet, kompetensutveckling och rollen som assistent.

Thank you, Elizabeth!

Executive Assistants 2015-10-12

Elizabeth Wakeling is Principal Tutor and Head of Business Administration Studies at Beckenham College. She is also UK Chairman of European Management A...

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Day 5 - Continuous Development

Executive Assistants 2015-10-09

Well, today is my last blog! It’s been agreat learning experience for me and I thought it would be good to finish theweek exploring the importance of le...

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Day 4 – Artificial Intelligence

Executive Assistants 2015-10-08

The next decade may well see the arrival of physical androids wandering our office corridors …I was sitting at the computer contemplating what to blog a...

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Day 3 - Mentoring

Executive Assistants 2015-10-07

Mentoring– is a great way to rejuvenate your career, rekindle creativity, energy and is essential for career development and success. Today I’m desi...

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Day 2 - Managing Up

Executive Assistants 2015-10-06

My seminar at nextweek’s Office* Show is on ‘Managing Up’ so I thought I’d give you a taster here in today’s blog. What do we mean by managing up? E...

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Day 1 - Introduction

Executive Assistants 2015-10-05

I am delighted to be the guest blogger this week and share my working week with you. This is an exciting week as I’ll be spending much of it preparing f...

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Tack Catarina!

Executive Assistants 2015-10-05

Vi tackar Catarina Elg, Management Assistant på Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals AB sedan 2009, som bloggat vecka 41!...

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Executive Assistants 2015-10-01

Har hjälpt person med Excel, gjort min tidsredovisning, beställt visitkort (flera mail fram och tillbaks för ny person som skulle godkänna), gjorde äntl...

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