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Executive Assistants

Tack Jenny Trozell

2015-05-25 Till-ny-Bengt Till-ny-Narbom

Vi tackar Jenny Trozell som bloggat under vecka 21!

Jenny Trozell, Executive Assistant for the Senior Vice President Quality & Customer Satisfaction at Volvo Group Trucks Techonology.
Firstof all dear readers, at work it feels more natural for me to communicate in English which is the reason that I will break the rules a little bit and use English in this blog. I hope you don´t mind.

I have been working in this profession soon 5 years now. My background is within the HR area and this was not the career I had imagined. But one thing led to another and I am very thankful for that. Worth mentioning is also that I have lived six years in The Netherlands. And one year in Australia, but that was a very long time ago.

A normal workday for me, as for most assistants, consists of coordinating,supporting, instructing, planning, informing, structuring, compiling, reminding, distributing and a whole lot of executing of various quick actions - in no particular order.

The tempo is high and the environment exiting!

I am eager to share my thoughts with you this week.
